Day 856

While yesterday was Day 3 of my renewed program, it was the first day that I did not cheat. Okay, that is a harsh word… when dropping from over 2000 calories per day to 900 calories per day, a handful of almonds is not a cheat so much as it is an assist to get through the day. Think of it like training wheels for the first couple of days. However we might think of them, I did not have any yesterday, and so including the milk and sugar that I add to my coffee my total caloric intake yesterday was about 940. I was tired, but I made it through the day.

Yesterday’s exercise was even better than the two previous days, even though I cannot completely account for it. At a certain point during the workout I must have smacked my fitness watch against the handrail of the treadmill and it stopped tracking. I lost about seven minutes of tracking before I noticed it. No harm, right? I know that I jogged the complete four kilometres (at 4mph, about 9m15s per kilometre) before pulling up and walking briskly for another twenty-three minutes. The total workout was one hour long, and it felt amazing. I am hoping that today or tomorrow I will be able to push that to a full hour of jogging, but I am not going to push myself too hard… I don’t want to strain anything! As it is, my back has been feeling the effects of the drastic increase in activity, and I am happy that my shower has a massage setting on it.

Leslie may have been joking that I just have to look at a meal replacement to lose weight, but the first three days of my program have been no joke! My weight has dropped over 8 lbs. since Wednesday morning, and that is encouraging me to keep going and to keep doing better. That is one of the reasons I did not step out to buy a handful of almonds yesterday. I know that the first week’s rate of loss will not continue past that, but it is still amazing to be able to drop so much at the beginning of the program. I know that despite the current trend suggesting otherwise, I will not be dropping fifty pounds in a month… but if I could drop twenty-five pounds in the first month then I will be a very happy man! Fifty… it took me three months to lose that at the beginning of the program, and I had much more fat on me at the time. If I could get down to my best weight ever by September or October then I will be thrilled.

It is a rainy day today, but I decided to sit outside to write anyways. I am not sure if Leslie and I will have a cigar date this morning, but if we don’t then most likely this afternoon or evening we will. I am taking my son the younger for lunch, and that will be my first real challenge of the program. I will tell him that my stomach has been bothering me and that’s why I am not eating. I do not like lying to him, but it is easier than explaining this crazy program.

Okay, it looks like Leslie and I will be chatting so I’ll close here.

Have a great day folks!

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